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Mensur Omerbashich

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Cover Art of the discovery (computation) of Earth body resonance: real-data (M5.6+ earthquake occurrences) spectra seen as outperforming random-data spectra in matching the theoretical resonance's all 72 periods by 350%, particularly in the strongest energies (top panel); absolutely outperforming (bottom panel).[2][3]

Cover Art of the discovery (computation) of Moon body resonance: real-data (moonquake occurrences) spectra from the Apollo Program (1969-1977). The demonstration of Moon mechanical resonance is spatiotemporally independent proof of mechanistic plate tectonics and its universality.[4][5]
Dr. Mensur Omerbashich is a global dynamicist polymath and theoretical (geo)physicist with several fundamental discoveries to his credit — all in the form of exact science and sole-authorship data papers — despite terrible opposition by Zionist elites who target him and anyone (like Tesla, Meucci, Marmet, LaViolette, Evans, etc.) who even scratched the Zionist Einstein's image of Saint of Church of Fake Science. Dr. Omerbashich's most important discoveries include expressing (re-proportionating) of values of gravitational constant (and thus of gravity too) via speed of light[6][7] (hinted by St. Einstein[8] and Maxwell[9]), and the first proof of (Tegmark's) Level I Multiverse[10][11][12][13]. In 2013, he disputed the 2012 Nobel prize for physics given (to two extremist Jews: Wineland/Winograd of NIST, and Haroche of France) for a discovery he sent in 2008 to Wineland for NIST's verification - equations relating quantum and classical physics by expressing (values of) G via c on macroscopic and quantum scales.[14] Wineland and Haroche never theoretically explained the awarded discovery, which resolves the problem of theoretical physics - abridging of quantum and every-day scales. Physics Nobel laureate Brian Josephson agreed in a debate with Omerbashich that there are remarkable coincidences in this case of possible theft of a discovery which enables capturing of elementary particles by suspending gravity vibrationally. Since Omerbashich's finding on G[6][7] invalidates[15] all relativity theories (including St. Einstein's) as well as all spare theories (such as MOND) created by jews "just in case", the US Government and Jewish elites are heavily censoring Omerbashich and his discoveries as, to put it mildly, they are not keen on allowing the non-American by birth, non-Jewish Omerbashich endanger the extreme Zionist[16] Einstein's position of the Unmistakable One (a Saint of science)[17].
In January 2023, Dr. Omerbashich announced fundamental astrophysics & quantum physics discoveries in several computational papers published on arXiv:
- the first-ever macroscopic time crystal found[18], showing that the Earth is a time crystal. Polish American Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek first theorized on the concept of time crystals in 2012 as a time-based analog to common crystals. In the quantum realm, a time-crystal supposedly cannot lose energy to the environment and come to rest — it goes on and on. A few years ago, researchers proposed that time crystals could exist in realms other than quantum. Indeed, the Earth is the first macroscopic time crystal ever found.
- global vibrational dynamics of the Sun and trillions of solar-type stars are triggered by the stellar core wobbling forcing the stars to act as uncaged magnetic alternators instead of dynamos (as believed classically and simplistically)[19]. This is the first-ever conclusive (from in situ data) detection of the solar core, and the first-ever total computation of the Sun's global decadal vibrations (including constructive resonance and destructive antiresonance). The wobble triggers global decadal vibrations including resonance that force the Sun to (differentially) spin, shake off its excess-gas (called then the solar wind), flip the solar core (and thus revert magnetic polarity) every ~11 years, spark in the form of nanoflares or CMEs (surface sparking) and sunspots (internal sparking), etc. In addition, the same result confirms that the well-known Rieger period of ~154 days, which dominates our solar system (including planetary dynamics), is solar in origin. Because our Sun is the standard for comparing other stars against, the stellar dynamics of the estimated >10 billion trillions of solar-type stars (most stars in the known universe, not counting dwarfs) are now known too. The Gauss-Vaniček Spectral Analysis, which was used to solve the above greatest puzzle of heliophysics, brings a true revolution to physics too — as it enables direct computations of nonlinear global dynamics (renders spherical approximation obsolete)! This discovery was published in the Journal of Geophysics in December 2023[20]; see also a related press release.
- the solar wind causes most quakes on Mars, Moon, and Earth[21], conclusively (spatially & temporally independently) proving seismicity is caused/ triggered externally — at the Rieger period and its harmonics, commonly reported in the Solar system and previously linked to increased magnetic activity. This knowledge enables accurate macroscopic forecasting of space weather here on Earth. The Moon & Earth results are seen only after separating the data into parts when the Moon was traversing Earth magnetotail vs. interplanetary magnetic field. This discovery was published in the Journal of Geophysics in March 2023; see also a related press release.
- In 2016, Omerbashich announced the discovery of Astrophysical cause of tectonics.[1] The discovery was accepted for publishing on 31 Aug 2016 by Earthquake Science journal (Editor-in-Chief: Chen Yuntai member of Chinese Academy of Sciences) but the author rejected the offer as part of his protest against the way scientific community treated him and his discoveries, resembling treatment of Alfred Wegener and his historic discovery. Because the Omerbashich paper has been approved by a peer review, the discovery can be considered as published, for all practical purposes.
- In April 2019, Dr. Omerbashich announced the discovery (computation) of externally (astrophysically) induced Earth-body resonance as the only cause of M6.2+ seismotectonics.[2] The discovery is in the form of the first precise computation of whole Earth's mechanical resonance. The computation eradicates both the "heat flow" hypothesis and the recent attempts to "settle for a middle solution by admitting that heat flow and mechanical resonance could co-dominate the Earth dynamics". But they can't - according to this first-ever computation of the exact band of 72 superharmonic resonance periods from real data (time-series of earthquake occurrences). The demonstrated phenomenon's energy-band contains 99%+ of the energy budget of the planetary mover (see preprint's Cover Art[2]). The discovery was published in August 2019, in the Journal of Geophysics - world's oldest peer-reviewed geophysical journal (Impact Factor 32.18).[3]
- An independent astrophysical verification of the above discovery was announced in August 2019, in the form of discovery of Moon-body resonance from analyzing Apollo Program moonquakes[4], and was published in October 2019[5]. This is the final (spatiotemporally independent) proof of mechanical global seismotectonics. It is the most important scientific discovery of 2019 and the most significant geophysical find of all time.[22]
- A methodologically independent spatial verification from decadal measurements with the continuous GPS (cGPS), which for the first time demonstrated the spatial distribution of global resonance in the form of mechanical waves traveling through the Earth's core as they cause M5.6+ earthquakes, was published in May 2022[23]. This confirmation has shown that volcanic tremors are no longer the only known type of quakes activated by (local) mechanical resonance, but that this mechanism is global, i.e., universal (astrophysical). Since the universal resonance at the same time represents a hitherto unknown fundamental geophysical force that occupies the strongest portion of the energy band of Earth lithosphere's dynamics, this discovery of such global impulse signals in seismology denies claims of detection of gravitational waves from deep Space, such as those by the LIGO experiment.
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in Paris confirmed experimentally in 2013-2014 the Omerbashich's (first ever) theoretical value for the Newton's gravitational constant G, of 6.675E-11[6], as 6.6754E-11, converging from 2001's 6.6756-E11[24].[25][26][27][28]
The confirmation invalidates all other estimates of G and supports his Hyperresonance Unifying Theory - now the only candidate for replacing falsified Quantum Field Theory and failed String Theory. The BIPM remains the world authority on scientific units and constants.
Upon finding out that his discoveries and two US patents were stolen from him by the US Government and big pharma and sold for over half a billion USD, Dr. Omerbashich created a public profile styling himself "King of Bosnia" in order to draw public attention to the case of theft of his intellectual property.[29] Thus under the rules of international legal order for countries of forcibly usurped sovereignty, Dr. Omerbashich is also the head of the Bosnian royal dynasty Omerbashich, since reviving his right to sovereignty ("throne") in 2010.[30][31] The Omerbashichs are originally from Buda (now Budapest).[32] According to Dr. Omerbashich, the right over Bosnia as the cradle of Western civilization, which the Omerbashich bloodline's founder Hungarian prince Borisz was given in 1141 by Hungarian king[33][34], has been continuously usurped to Dr. Omerbashich's family (then Berislavićs) since 1527[35][36] when the Ottoman dynasty first established Bosnia's occupying administration and committed regicide of Bosnia's previous sovereign, prince Stjepan Berislavić, in 1536, for refusing to abdicate three thrones in favor of the Ottomans: Bosnia's, Croatia's, and Serbia's.[37][38] Turks also committed regicide of Bosnia's previous king, in 1463. As Turks were getting expelled from Europe, Bosnia was in 1853 returned her legal name Bosnia and Hercegovina[39], cf. Bosznia Hercegség - Hungarian legalese for Princedom of Bosnia since Bosnia's Crown got sovereignty from Hungary's Crown, and Bosnia was legally a princedom under princes Berislavićs on its final subjugation of 1527. In expanded pretension to All of Illyria (Latin: IMPERIVM ILLYRIORVM), "the king" claims the sovereignty right over Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro. Although there are no proofs to support Dr. Omerbashich's royal claim, there are indications of the claim's validity.
- 1 Biography
- 2 Scientific background
- 3 Scientific discoveries
- 3.1 Theoretical physics: first expressing of gravity via speed of light (hinted at by Einstein and Maxwell)
- 3.2 Cosmology: first scientific proof of Type I Multiverse and Hyperresonance Unifying theory
- 3.3 String theories: first proof of string theories' paradigm
- 3.4 Quantum physics: first proof of Einstein's view of quantum physics
- 3.5 Theoretical geophysics: first proof of syzygy-strong (M6+) quakes causality
- 3.6 Climate science
- 3.7 Dispute of 2012 physics Nobel Prize
- 3.8 Seminal discovery of astrophysical cause of tectonics
- 3.9 Final proof of astrophysical cause of tectonics: Computation of Earth and Moon body resonance
- 4 Geopolitics discovery: modern-day human sacrifice
- 5 Why all this - the Game and the Endgame
Soon after beginning graduate studies, in Canada, Omerbashich was transferred to the Ph.D. program without having to defend Master's thesis. He subsequently obtained Ph.D. in theoretical geophysics, in 2004. Dr. Omerbashich then spent a decade in research and consulting in USA, Canada, and Europe. He published several dozen scientific and technical papers and presented at scientific conferences including invited lectures in EU and USA.
He was or is a member of scientific associations and bodies, EU Marie Curie senior geophysicist at Hungarian Institute of geophysics in Budapest, referee for scientific journals in physics and geophysics, etc. In the spirit of his relative and polyglot Polish King Jadviga, he is scientific translator[40] and court interpreter. Thanks to US Senator Ted Kennedy, Omerbashich obtained US citizenship in 2003, becoming a dual citizen. Prior to returning to Europe, he worked as lead geodesist at Berkeley National Laboratory in California[41]. He was invited in 2008 Marquis Who's Who in Science & Engineering in the World[42][43], and in 2011 Who's Who in the World.
Scientific background
Mensur Omerbashich PhD | |
Rođenje | Bosnia |
Državljanstvo | Bosnia, United States |
Narodnost | Illyrian |
Etnicitet | Bosnian |
Polje |
Theor. physics[7] Cosmology[11][44] Theor. geoph.[45][46][47] |
Institucija |
Hungarian Institute of Geophysics, Budapest Berkeley Nat'l Lab |
Alma mater |
UNB, Canada MIT, USA |
Akademski mentor | Petr Vaníček, UNB |
Uticali na njega |
Nikola Tesla Abdulah Muminagić |
Poznat po |
● | g | = f (| c |)[7] ● | G | = 6.6750E-11[6] confirmed 2013-2014[24] ● GUT[44] ● www.seismo.info |
Istaknute nagrade | disputed 2012 physics Nobel prize[14] |
Omerbashich's Ph.D. mentor Petr Vaníček is a leading geophysicist[48] and geodesist[49].[46][47][50] The external reader graded Omerbashich's Ph.D. thesis as "original in the ratio of 90% of new contributions v. 10% of old knowledge, which is inverse to the requirement for a minimum of 10% originality for a Ph.D.". According to the American Association of University Professors ([1]), that is an "exceptional dissertation, appearing once every few decades, or rarer".[51]
US Space agency NASA and Japanese Space Agency JAXA have included one of Omerbashich's student seminar papers (on satellite-inertial navigation) in the STI base of for-the-space-mission-significant publications in science and technology in the World since 1915-today.[52] The paper is a part of permanent collection of the US Government's National Transportation Library[53], and was in use also in university teaching, e.g. in the William E. Boeing Department of aeronautics and astronautics at the University of Washington, USA.
Scientific discoveries
Theoretical physics: first expressing of gravity via speed of light (hinted at by Einstein and Maxwell)
Omerbashich made several fundamental scientific discoveries. In Berkeley in 2005, he expressed (re-proportionated) the Newtonian gravitational constant/proportion G (and thus gravity too) via speed of light c at both quantum and macroscopic (our every-day) scales, which showed how quantum mechanics and classical physics relate to each other.[6][7] He achieved this by operating over gravitational constant G taken originally i.e. as a proportionality constant due to the fact that its physical units have no multiversal meaning, as Newton assigned them arbitrarily only so to close his own (our universe's) physics mathematically. This expressing of g via c was first hinted by Albert Einstein in 1930s, when he stumbled upon a relationship between values of gravity, g, and speed of light, c, in our Solar system. Although he did call the geophysical relationship remarkable, Einstein could not explain it so he remarked: "the coincidence could be purely due to chance".[8]
The Omerbashich's 2005-2006 theoretical value of G, at 6.6750E-11[6] has been later matched by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) 2013 value of 6.6754E-11, and this BIPM value has converged on the Omerbashich's value since their earlier experiments so that the two are essentially same now.[25][24][27] This is a direct experimental confirmation of the Omerbashich's epochal discovery by the world leading authority on physical units and measures.
Even before the Einstein's hint at g-via-c, Maxwell has remarked in 1870: [Maxwell't theory] denies action at a distance and attributes electric action to tensions and pressures in an all-pervading medium, these stresses being the same in kind with those familiar to engineers, and the medium being identical with that in which light is supposed to be propagated. [This theory and a theory of electricity by Riemann, Lorenz, and Neumann] are found to explain not only the phenomena by the aid of which they were originally constructed, but other phenomena which were not thought of or perhaps not known at the time; and both have independently arrived at the same numerical result, which gives the absolute velocity of light in terms of electrical quantities. That the theories apparently so fundamentally opposed should have so large a field of truth common to both is a fact the philosophical importance of which we cannot fully appreciate till we have reached a scientific altitude from which the true relation between hypotheses so different can be seen.[9] Then 135 years later, Omerbashich has succeeded in deriving the absolute velocity of light in terms of gravity in a mechanical oscillator[6][7], thus showing the underlying engineering concept with which all forces of nature can indeed be unified as hinted by Maxwell and Einstein.
Cosmology: first scientific proof of Type I Multiverse and Hyperresonance Unifying theory
Then in 2012, Omerbashich postulated to that continuing cosmological Hyperresonance Unifying Theory (HUT)[44][10] according to which our known universe is under the gravitational influence by another universe(s)[13] and which has seen a number of confirmations and strongly supporting indications[44]. Theory of Hyperresonance is the only cosmological theory that does not allow for the existence of so-called black holes. The "Planck" Space mission of 2013, by European Space Agency (ESA), had surveyed our entire known universe and has, in the aspect of primordial density perturbations, confirmed the Omerbashich's fundamental discovery (from global geophysical data) on scale-invariable physics.[7] Furthermore, the mission has found no basis for "black holes". After failed attempts by some to interpret the survey results in a fairytale fashion which spoke of "4-dimensional stars", father of the modern concept of black holes Stephen Hawking has retracted his main view at the beginning of 2014, saying that he believes "there are no black holes"[54]. Hawking has thus paved the way for Theory of Hyperresonance as a universal cosmological theory. HUT was first hinted at by Albert Einstein in 1930s when he based his own attempts at unified (relativistic) field theory on an electromagnetic field induced by changing gravity field.[8] Indeed, as Dr. Omerbashich has discovered long after Einstein had contemplated his own attempts at unified theory, heavenly bodies act as forced mechanical oscillators (indeed with a periodic gravity field - largely lunar-synodic in case of the Earth) that by definition create own electromagnetic fields.[45] Importantly, it was also shown that a body's grave mode of oscillation is not a random number as previously believed.[6]
Soon after, on 17 and 18 of March 2014, BICEP2 experiment from observations at the South Pole claimed that they proved chaotic-type of cosmological Theory of inflation, as first postulated by Russian scientist Andrei Linde based on work by his colleague Alexei Starobinsky. Linde's theory requires the concept of Multiverse: infinitely many universes arising by the same or different token as our known universe did.[55][56] Multiverse opposes the main doctrine of the Roman-Catholic Church, on Genesis as popularized (in sciences as well as media) via a quasi-scientific (without any data) theory by a Roman-Catholic priest in 1927 who allegedly called it "Big Bang" and which originally allowed for a supposed beginning of everything via "divine creation". Namely, the "Big Bang" theory is a practical joke by the Jewish elite via the Church (as ran by Jewish popes since 1605), based on a novel by Edgar Alan Poe. The Jesuit priest who was credited with it took an oath of secrecy and was given a fake name of Georges Lemaître (meaning: The Master G in French, for God). As the core of capitalism, practical conservatism via Church and otherwise has always been the main objective of the Jewish elites (the mega-banking dynasties: 11th-14th c. Frescobaldis, 15th-18th c. Medicis, and 19th-21st c. Rothschilds) as the only environment in which they can remain elites, while all other ideologies (liberalism, socialism/communism, fascism, globalism, sovereignism) were/are only the tools to maintain that objective.
Omerbashich achieved the mathematical-physical proof of Type I Multiverse in his Theory of Hyperresonance based on the world's most accurate gravity measurements.[13] This historic, successful verification of Multiverse and the string theories' paradigm (not any particular string theory), revealed independently one of the main reasons for a decade-long tormenting and censoring of Dr. Omerbashich and his work by the Church since he discovered how gravity is expressible via speed of light, back in 2005.[12][6] Specifically, any confirmation of Multiverse represents a revolution in physics that instantaneously cancels out most of cosmological i.e. physical theories.[57] The Church has been traditionally preventing such revolutions, for example, the case of Giordano Bruno, and via Jewish popes since 1605 still maintains the same views on "forbidden knowledge".[58]
Following the release of the BICEP2 claim, Dr. Omerbashich made (on 22 March 2014) the precedence claim for scientific confirmation of (Type I) Multiverse.[59][12][60] Omerbashich was also the first researcher who explicitly claimed that another universe exerts a gravitational tug on our known universe: "In case of our Universe, it is to it neighboring (about it orbiting) Universe that largely masks the tidal influences of the rest of the Hyperverse on our Universe".[6][13] Subsequently, Laura Mersini-Houghton and other mostly Crypto-Jewish physicists like her, presented their claims without crediting Omerbashich, meaning they plagiarized. In a most extreme example of theft of Omerbashich's intellectual property, a duo of Italian-Spanish Crypto-Jews Alberto Salvio and Alessandro Strumia tried plagiarizing the unifying-theoretical part of Omerbashich's discovery, in which Scale Invariance of all physics has been proven[6][7]. The authors posted the plagiarism, describing "their" idea of dimensionless gravity as the measure of all physics, to the time-stamping depository arXiv.org on the day of the "historic" BICEP announcement[61]. The authors in their paper use a reference to another Crypto-Jew Benito Mussolini (and his words "I don't care!"), which tells of their evil-mindedness and premeditation in committing plagiarism. That, along with synchronizing their move to the odious BICEP2 release reveal an intellectual theft of the Omerbashich's discovery by Jewish elite via the Church, most probably planned by the planners of BICEP2. They misused Scale Invariance to claim no Multiverse exists, but Scale Invariance means only Type I Multiverse can exist, while the g-via-c derivation on various scales regardless the universe (see equations above) means Multiverse is real.
Another Crypto-Jew who plagiarized Omerbashich's work is one Anthony Boucouvalas (Jewish: Bokczowcer, Buchwalc) - a university professor of electronics who, rather than sticking to transistors and circuits, likes to imagine he is an expert in geophysics and astrophysics, and even has his kin publish "his" work on "alignment geophysics" in IT journals. In there, he cites an earlier paper of his in which he had cited Omerbashich as the discoverer of the alignments-earthquakes mechanism, however he then "forgets" to cite Omerbashich in the second paper, thus covering tracks while stealing the credits for himself. Also, a failed attempt to disprove the Omerbashich's discovery came from a Crypto-Jewish team from Italy led by one Vito Marchitelli (Jewish: March, Mercadell) who in a statistics-only paper claimed Sun-emitted particles are the cause of M5.6+ earthquakes instead, but that is incorrect from both the physics and statistics points of view.[62]
Similarly, an Omerbashich's discovery stolen from Omerbashich got awarded the physics Nobel Prize for 2012. It is thus beyond any doubt that various groups have attempted thefts of Omerbashich's discovery in all of its fundamental aspects: quantum, cosmological, and unifying-theoretical. The Church's reason for such manipulation is as always during past millennia: diverge basic human knowledge to a direction Church can control, here that of a new Genesis as based on Multiverse denial or misinterpretations, and the cult of yet another Crypto-Jew Alan Guth who stated publicly that he is not atheist thus making himself endeared to the Church as a new guru of science of (falsely) Einstein caliber. Church had misused Einstein too in the like manner, but that did not seem voluntary on part of Einstein whose repeated attempts to escape his ridiculous "captivity" went unsuccessful. For instance, his famous attempts to that effect were statements like "Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity I do not understand it myself anymore", but then direct actions of protest as well, such as showing his tongue to the camera, and so on. "Mainstream" (Jewish elites-owned) media misrepresent those protests too, and the fact that they did it with most of his protests speaks also of the severity of his captivity.
Others who exposed BICEP and inflationary cosmology as frauds
Another Crypto-Jewish elite physicist (as mostly Jews can be elite anything in the present world) Paul Steinhardt from Princeton University, a co-developer of inflationary cosmology who in the meantime deflected, admitted that "serious flaws in the BICEP2 analysis got revealed that transform the detection into no detection" while exposing the inflation for a fraud it is by stating unequivocally that "the inflationary paradigm is so flexible that it is immune to experimental and observational tests".[63] In other words, the inflation cannot be proved, and all efforts at seemingly doing just that are nothing more than fraud attempts. Some noted that Steinhardt had a personal interest in objecting since he in the mean-time postulated an alternative theory to inflation, called Cyclic Universe but which is also unsuccessful as it claims that universe(s) miraculously expand and contract. Also, Steinhardt and other inflation opponents often make the same type of mistake as the proponents do - equate inflation with Multiverse, the latter teams using it as their desired proof of inflation, and the former teams as their proof against inflation.
It is worth noting that the Omerbashich equations are incomplete so that, while indeed proving Multiverse by expressing (re-proportionating) G via C irrespectively of both time and scale (energy), they do not specify the way Multiverse originated. Therefore, Omerbashich considered the complete set of all possible Multiverses and called it Hyperverse. Thus, there is no reason to believe that just inflationary-type Multiverse can exist.[64] Namely, in (some) versions of the inflationary theory, Multiverse is merely their unpredicted outcome and not a goal by any means. Furthermore, most versions (inflationary theories) do not need Multiverse at all, not even as a byproduct.
String theories: first proof of string theories' paradigm
The Omerbashich equation | g | = f (| c |), and his Theory of Hyperresonance demonstrated true nature of "action at the distance", revealing that this action is due to a precise mathematical (dimensionless) oscillatory-orbital tuning of interplanetary medium. The action depends neither on scale nor physics of (our) universe since only proportions and ratios were used. This is the first proof of the paradigm of string theories - on oscillatory and not particlegenic reality - since stringdom is the only known (presumed) medium that can carry and maintain oscillatory-orbital relationships among heavenly bodies across the distances such as Earth-Moon, as shown by the Hyperresonance Theory.
Quantum physics: first proof of Einstein's view of quantum physics
By discovering[45] that grave-mode of oscillation of a physical body is not a random number as previously believed, and that gravity is expressible (re-proportionable) via speed of light at quantum and every-day scales alike[7][44], Omerbashich proved the never-disputed claim by Albert Einstein that quantum mechanics is apparent i.e. locally real[65]. Quantum physics is what Einstein suspected it: primarily a byproduct of secondary, here resonant effects of tides in the Earth-Moon system that naturally tends to impose its own resonant properties as common to all particles within the system. This trivially creates "strangeness" or phenomena like entanglement and others that quantum physicists claim exist in the world of elementary particles. Therefore quantum physics is object-centric: it will obey different but still seemingly (or even similarly) stochastic rules in another system of oscillatory-orbitally interacting heavenly bodies.
Theoretical geophysics: first proof of syzygy-strong (M6+) quakes causality
In theoretical geophysics, Dr. Omerbashich proved a key role of the mechanism of georesonance - magnified mass-resonance of the Earth as an externally forced mechanical oscillator. Within his Theory of Hyperresonance, he demonstrated also that syzygy alignments play a crucial role in tectonogenesis as well as in occurrence of strong (M6+) earthquakes[45][7][66] which, as mentioned, has been independently confirmed by a Greek team[67]. The success of that discovery of the effect of syzygy alignments among 3 or more astronomical bodies in our Solar system's "plane" for more than 3 days, on magnification of mass-resonance (here of Earth's mass, mantle primarily), resulting in tectonics and strong (M6+) quakes, has been tracked in near-real-time since 2011 on the project Website www.seismo.info.[44]
Climate science
Dr. Omerbashich has also contributed to studying climate on Earth. Amongst other results, he disproved in 2006[68] an article by a leading US physicist Richard Muller who in a science journal Nature claimed cyclic cataclysms on Earth, which allegedly cause almost entire life on Earth to go extinct every 60 million years or so. The opposing article[68] has shown that Muller results were due to analyses errors, thus sparkling a significant attention from the scientific community so that the opposing paper has been constantly referenced as a significant source in new research and reviews of climate science.[69][70][71][72][73]
Australian researchers Robert Baker and Peter Flood claimed in 2015 that the Omerbashich's periods in the Sepkoski record of World marine fossils have the solar origin, partially eliminating the possibility of cyclic galactic causes to mass extinctions.[72] [74] In June 2018, Omerbashich's paper presenting the consequences (of the Australian team's independent confirmation) for geophysics and climate science was accepted for publishing in Paleontological Journal (Editor-in-Chief: Alexei Yu. Rozanov of the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)[75].
In March 2021, Omerbashich published in the journal Historical Biology a remarkable discovery that very long periods such as ~9 My (~27 My), ~11 My (~22 My), and ~33 My (~66 My), previously claimed in mass-extinction data sets, have a common astronomical origin, meaning not a physical/galactic cause. They are adynamical reflections primarily due to the Earth’s axial precession, enforcing (the mathematical removal) of which then is a must in paleostudies.[76] This discovery immediately debunks the entire Galactic Cult of the geophysics community (people who claim life goes extinct periodically and due to Galactic causes) - over half a century of reports claiming 100s of such periods. Note here that even a simple thought experiment debunks the Galactic Cult: if all of them are right - as they certainly believe so - then no life on Earth has ever existed. This discovery means that our Milky Way galaxy does not cause those periodic mass extinctions on Earth, thus settling the long-time dispute with Muller in Omerbashich's favor.
Omerbashich's other important discoveries include a period of ~3600 years in historic Beryllium sediments (Be-10) in deep-core samples from the Russian scientific station at Vostok, Antarctica, of use in studying paleoclimate on Earth.
Dispute of 2012 physics Nobel Prize
At the beginning of 2013, Dr. Omerbashich disputed the 2012 physics Nobel Prize awarded to David Wineland of NIST to whom Omerbashich sent in 2008 his discovery based on seminal G-via-c derivation along two scales, as the first proof of how to bridge the gap between quantum and mechanist physics. The discovery showed how quantum mechanics and classical physics relate to each other based on the concept of mechanical resonance. When applied to Solar system's bodies, namely their magnified gravitational-tidal resonant effects, the concept results in a mathematical relationship connecting the Newtonian gravitational constant (and thus physics in general) and the speed of light on macroscopic (every-day) and quantum scales. Instead of verifying the discovery as part of his job in the publicly funded lab, Wineland submitted the discovery as his own to the journal Nature three months later and ended up receiving the Prize for "an ingenious lab technique for abridging the quantum and mechanist worlds", alas without offering any theory behind the method although it solves the biggest theoretical problem of quantum physics of all time.[14][77]
A famed British physicist and Nobel laureate for quantum physics Brian Josephson agreed in a debate with Dr. Omerbashich: "I accept that it is a remarkable coincidence" that only two physical quantities with value of 369.2 exist: the Omerbashich's gravitational resonance ratio for the Earth's tidal system, given explicitly as an equation in the paper sent to Wineland, and the affinity ("particlequake" energy output) of Argon as the gas which, of all possible ones, Wineland applied in his laser when abridging macroscopic and quantum realms via capturing elementary particles whose gravity can thus be suspended vibrationally.
Motivation for theft of intellectual property
While Wineland thus stole the quantum part of the Omerbashich's discovery, Salvio and Strumia tried stealing the theoretical part, and Mersini and Guth tried stealing the cosmological part. Since they are all Crypto-Jewish ("Roman-Catholics") or at least loyal to the Church headed by Jewish popes since 1605, obviously the Jewish elite sees Omerbashich's discovery as well as Multiverse as the utter danger to their bestseller business investment, the Church (and its main label, so-called Genesis). They consider the danger all that greater as Omerbashich has proven the Scale Invariance, which can only mean Type I Multiverse, and not Type II as Omerbashich misled the Church/Jewish elite to believe. This false belief has made the Jewish elite try the above-listed forgeries and quantum or similar fairytale-like constructs as a basis of Genesis v.2.0 via denial or misrepresentation of Multiverse, of course unsuccessfully. It is this variation which largely enabled Omerbashich to expose the Church/Jewish elite's theft of his intellectual property they attempted in phases.
The Church/Jewish elite exhibits such misbehavior whenever a discovery they want for themselves involves fundamental new knowledge about gravity. Just as they jokingly designed (the "Big Bang") cosmology as an inconclusive discipline so to make "Heavens above" an open possibility, and in the same way created modern seismology (also called "Jesuit science") as an inconclusive discipline too so to make "Hell below" an open possibility to their flock, the Church/Jewish elite historically tries to control fundamental discoveries in gravity too, so to leave "floating spirits/angels" an open possibility as well.
Theft of discovery that the Moon "triggers" M5.6+ earthquakes
Dr. Omerbashich made his discovery of new paradigm of geophysics (on the astrophysical cause of tectonics) in Spring 2016. Upon depositing it in a preprint depository[1], he submitted the discovery to Nature magazine. Soon after, Nature rejected to publish, sending a cynical thank-you note for inspiring others to discover: "Your findings may well prove stimulating to others' thinking about such questions".
The cynical note became clearer already in Fall 2016 when Nature Geoscience published the part of the Omerbashich discovery, which claims that the Moon "triggers only M5.6+ earthquakes". The claim was made by a group of Japanese authors (Ide, Yabe, Tanaka) who are associates of a group of US authors who over the past decade led public/online smear campaigns against Dr. Omerbashich. The Nature authors submitted "their" discovery shortly after Nature turned down Dr. Omerbashich's discovery, so they or their associates likely were the Nature referees of Dr. Omerbashich's paper. Dr. Omerbashich then made an accusation of intellectual property theft and corruption, disclosing the case to the scientific community and general public.
Seminal discovery of astrophysical cause of tectonics
In 2016, Omerbashich announced the seminal discovery of the Astrophysical cause of tectonics.[1] The discovery got accepted for publishing 31 Aug 2016 by Earthquake Science journal (Editor-in-Chief: Chen Yuntai member of Chinese Academy of Sciences) but the author rejected the offer as part of his protest against the way scientific community treated him and his discoveries, resembling the treatment of Alfred Wegener and his historic discovery of continental drift (plate tectonics, basically). Since the Omerbashich paper has been approved by a peer review, the discovery can be considered as published, for all practical purposes.
Final proof of astrophysical cause of tectonics: Computation of Earth and Moon body resonance
In April 2019, Dr. Omerbashich announced the discovery (computation) of externally (astrophysically) induced Earth-body resonance as the only cause of M6.2+ seismotectonics.[2] The discovery is in the form of the first precise computation of whole Earth's mechanical resonance. The computation eradicates both the "heat flow" hypothesis and the recent attempts to "settle for a middle solution by admitting that heat flow and mechanical resonance could co-dominate the Earth dynamics". But they can't - according to this first-ever computation of the exact band of 72 superharmonic resonance periods from real data (time-series of earthquake occurrences). The demonstrated phenomenon's energy-band contains 99%+ of the energy budget of the planetary mover (see preprint's Cover Art[2]). The discovery was published in August 2019, in the Journal of Geophysics - world's oldest peer-reviewed geophysical journal (Impact Factor 32.18).[3] An independent astrophysical verification was announced in August 2019, in the form of discovery of Moon-body resonance from analyzing Apollo Program moonquakes[4], and was published in October 2019[5]. This is the final (spatiotemporally independent) proof of mechanical global seismotectonics. It is the most important scientific discovery of 2019 and the most significant geophysical find of all time.[22]
Geopolitics discovery: modern-day human sacrifice
In 2013, Dr. Omerbashich revealed undoubtedly the oldest secret of geopolitics, long sought after by many researchers including Sir Isaac Newton and others who, in their quest for such secrets which are usually referred to in ancient texts, had tried to decipher the so-called Biblical codes and other alleged sources. For example, Newton spent most of his time researching the realms of alchemy and occult.[78] As a governmental official, Newton was looking for geopolitical more than theological secrets.
Indeed, the secret Dr. Omerbashich revealed represents a proof-beyond-doubt that Jesuit Order of the Roman-Catholic Church (allegedly England's arch-foe), along with the competing geopolitical axes/interests like Freemasons, Illuminati or more recently IRA, Al-Qaeda or ISIS, commit most heinous acts of violence. Those crimes include: staging wars and genocide, organizing terrorism, ordering assassinations, etc. The proof is based on the so-called ancient numerology, of basically odd (mainly prime) v. even numbers, for picking victims (human scapegoats) as well as timing/locations for executing elected politicians and monarchs, artists and civilians at large.
As it turns out, and as some historians recently claimed, "Jesus of Nazareth" was probably emperor Caesar himself (IVLIVS CAESAR); through its rites and insignia, the Church worships the destiny of its man-god who was a Roman emperor of same initials as the fictional character we know as "Jesus" (IESU CHRISTO).[79]
Since the proof reaches to the time of Ancient Rome, the motivation for this way of manipulating world history is mostly materialistic and aimed at achieving or enlarging personal and group wealth of those associated with Church's financial interests. Thus the Church itself serves merely as geopolitical "glue" holding the supposedly dissolved Roman Empire together to this day via Catholic or otherwise loyal government officials including ministers of defense (war) and foreign affairs.
The proof is beyond doubt since it looked into characteristic sample-groups and comparing atrocities towards or among members of those groups throughout various and otherwise disconnected historical eras or geographic locations. The proof can be found on a Web site called The Secret of All Secrets.
Why all this - the Game and the Endgame
Following a terrible experience from graduate school in Canada, it became clear to Dr. Omerbashich right after deriving the values of G via c in Berkeley in 2005, and comparing them to the then-known experimental values, that "the powers that be" would not allow for such a seminal discovery to fall in the hands of an anonymous young geophysicist who, to make his case even weaker, was not associated with any significant (by funding; Ivy League aura; etc.) centers of power or schools of thought. This became obvious from inexplicable pressure which he began feeling right after posting his derivation. For example, the pressure included his applying for over 20 jobs at NASA and not receiving a single response, though under US law a federal agency must let know all candidates of the outcome, whether positive or negative. He was blacklisted... Another example is his submitting of a paper on a magnification of Earth mantle resonance as a cause of tectonics to more than 50 English-speaking journals only to see them all reject it, many without explanation and the rest with rather bogus explanations or personal attacks even. The first (and prominent) French-speaking journal that saw the paper, has also accepted it, as well as featured it on its cover.
Given the destiny of other researchers in similar situations, it also became obvious to him that his destiny could take the already seen course that starts with public mockery (character assassination) which, if unsuccessful, turns into psychological pressures in trying to make the target commit suicide. Finally, if the target is unsusceptible to the former methods, assassination that can also be made to look like a suicide or an accident or a revenge or a quarrel or simply "(otherwise) inexplicable", takes place. Thus Nikola Tesla, Paul Drude, Alfred Wegener and Ettore Majorana, were "handled", respectively. Tesla had claimed discovery of a technology for wireless energy transmission, and since free energy would turn many billionaires into paupers, he was immediately turned into a "UFO freak", resulting in a number of psychological problems for him that forced him into a recluse. Drude, as the Editor-in-Chief of the leading journal of the era Annalen der Physik, accepted Einstein's paper on Relativity, only to suffer a change of heart that made him decide to withdraw the paper as inconclusive at best. But he was found dead before succeeding in his intention, allegedly in suicide, though he had been recently admitted in the World's most prestigious Academy of Sciences of the era (Prussian), and had just started working on a new book - all hardly pointing to a psychologically disturbed mind. Wegener, upon realizing that continental borders fit nearly perfectly, devised the Theory of Continental Drift, but immediately faced most amazing ridicule that soon turned mafia-style so he later disappeared during an expedition (according to his friends: a business he was so skilled in, that "he could have done it blindfolded"), at the most productive age – barely 50 years old. Majorana, after confiding to some of his colleagues and "friends" about his mind having been practically set on a discovery of the greatest significance, simply disappeared on a sea trip, most likely pushed overboard. Obviously, insanity or fear from discovery cannot be blamed for the tragic destiny of these and other scientists: as we learned from examples of Galilei, Bruno, Tesla, Meucci and other great men, the mind of a genius does not get scared away by the discovery it makes - instead, it stays and fights resolutely.
That the above assumptions were correct became clear when Dr. Omerbashich survived 3 near-crashes of commercial airplanes he flew on, two of which ended in emergency landings to Cologne and Halifax and one in emergency takeoff in Boston when the plane touched down and immediately took off due to flight control allowing a jumbo jet filled with passengers to begin taxiing on the runway where the plane was allowed to land. On all three occasions, the worst-scenario outcome was avoided only thanks to the pilots. After the three incidents, which are all easy to verify, Dr. Omerbashich has decided to stop flying.
In order to avoid the destiny of the above men and others, Dr. Omerbashich used his own origins to claim Bosnia's usurped sovereignty as the Bosnian King, aware that unlike in the rest of the World, in the West where most (but not all) of his enemies are, it is most difficult to mock royalty or even just a royal pretender. In addition, through use of the Internet, social media primarily as all other avenues got shut down for him, he largely succeeded in convincing his enemies of his susceptibility to psychological pressure so that almost by default they started applying all sorts of pressures, much to his amusement. This even included dragging a WW2 incendiary-bomb (old napalm) practically under his balcony, in a 2013 city-wide scare in Sarajevo (from a foreign museum obviously, as those were not used in the WW2 Balkans, and the Allied forces used those only in Normandy and the Pacific). Another form of pressure was using a conspiracy theories site www.GodlikeProductions.com to create a years-long meme about Dr. Omerbashich, whom they called "Mr. Nobody", where they used detailed intelligence gathered on him over the years as well as real-time surveillance. After notifying him anonymously of the ongoing meme, they then tried to drive him crazy.
Indeed, such counter-measures have bought enough time needed for his discoveries to gain ground, slowly step-by-step. Two great moments came along and presented themselves as great opportunities for his goal of developing the unifying theory he had contemplated a decade earlier. First was the comet Elenin approach of 2011, which was a chance to show scale invariance due to hyperresonance of all mass-bodies using the Earth as a whole, and then refine the coming theory based on that discovery. The second opportunity was the globally talked-about case of BICEP2 experiment misused for forging of confirmation of an impossible cosmological theory of inflation. The forgery is largely based on Dr. Omerbashich's discoveries that allow for (but do not demand to any specificity - meaning his set of equations might as well be incomplete) a Multiverse scenario in a way that Multiverse need not be of an inflationary type. Various interest "clubs" and their sponsors saw in this an easy opportunity to grab the aura of untouchables. Those interested parties included some proponents of the inflationary cosmology, along with their own political and monetary backing; conveniently enough, some of the (infinitely many possible) versions of that theory would have a Multiverse-type of scenario as an outcome, but this seems a nuisance in those models and not their goal by any measure. Other opportunities to expose robbers of Omerbashich's discoveries appeared along also, such as the theft of 2012 physics Nobel Prize - a chance to mock The mockingbird, etc. Additional examples are on this page (above).
The endgame began with Dr. Omerbashich's revealing on 14.12.2014 that, after converging on it for decades, the BIPM in Paris has indeed confirmed the Omerbashich (the only one ever made) theoretical prediction of the value of G, of 6.675E-11, as 6.6754E-11.[25] This, and the earlier expressing (re-proportionating) of constant/proportion G and c on various scales, together exclude any possibility of coincidence, testifying instead that physical dimensions and units are a leftover from the geocentric philosophy which allowed Newton to append (otherwise meaningless) units to G so to close his own physics mathematically... That is when the powers that be reacted in panic by censoring (outright removing) Omerbashich's author entry from the US Library of Congress (National Library) Authorities Database just 1 day later, on 15.12.2014. On 20.12.2014, it appeared that the public releases distribution-company www.prlog.org was forced to re-date the original submission date of the press release from 14.12.2014 to 15.12.2014, so to make it all look like a coincidence. When Dr. Omerbashich posted the above screenshot on Facebook, it forced the company to restore the original date of 14.12.2014. As of January 2015, the date of the press release keeps changing. Censorship continued with the journal Nature deleting such seemingly benign contributions by Omerbashich as online comments to popular science articles (a deleted comment is here and the following correspondence here). An updated press release is here or here. Omerbashich got prompted to declare victory in the hunt for G at the end of 2014 (instead of waiting for 2015, which would be more appealing to the media) due to a Jesuit blogger Luboš Motl trying, like many Catholics (see above), to reverse-engineer the discoveries and steal parts for himself.
Acting on a tip, Dr. Omerbashich posted on his Twitter account in January 2015 that those who could be described as the Anglo-Saxon geopolitical axis (mainly the UK, Germany and US papists) fear that his discovery confirms corpuscular physics worked out by the 18th century Swiss-French physicist Le Sage, thus drastically modifying or even nixing Newton-Einstein physics and therefore motivating the said axis to keep their global dominance in science by them too tormenting Dr. Omerbashich.
Once again, here is a 2017-2018 updated Linkedin article about the whole affair. (You may need to click on the link a few times as Linkedin doesn't always let the public to access public articles.)
- Australian researchers find the Omerbashich periods in Sepkoski's World fossil data are of solar origin (See Table 1), so Milky Way does not cause periodic mass extinctions on Earth, HAL France.
- Paris Bureau of Weights confirms Omerbashich's theoretical value of Newton's constant G, In: Google News. Original Press Release, 14.12.2014.
- Big Bang downgraded to a bang in the first scientific proof of Multiverse, by Omerbashich (2006), the Omerbashich Priority Claim to Multiverse Proof. Press Room.
- Reply to Peter Woit on Omerbashich's 2012 Nobel prize counterclaim and Omerbashich Proof of Multiverse, Dr. Peter Woit's homepage, Columbia University, New York USA.
Authority Control:
- VIAF - International Authority File, US Library of Congress record censored since 15.12.2014
- ISNI - International Standard Name Identifier
- IdHAL - French National Archive permanent repository for research priority claims
- arXiv - Cornell University permanent repository for research priority claims
- CV (pdf)
Paper Collections:
Media Points:
- MyNewsDesk Press Room
- PR Log Press Room
- An expanded version of this page, in Bosnian/Serbian (Proširena verzija ove stranice, na bosanskom/srpskom)
- Dr. Omerbashich's LinkedIn profile
- Protest rationale
- Facebook page
- Dr. Omerbashich's Twitter account
- Dr. Omerbashich's scientist profile
- Exclusive interview with Dr. Mensur Omerbashich, Marshall Masters, Yowusa.com, 1.6.2011.
- Sad side of Bosnian science - how not to do your PhD thesis, an example of one Medzida Mulic
- Bosnian monarchs
- Royal Bosnian Institute for Resources & Ecology
- Fake Science - The Hows & Whys of
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Mensur Omerbashich (2016) Astrophysical cause of tectonics, preprint deposited in: HAL Archives, Leading francophone depository (CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris France) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Omerbashich, M. (2019). Earth Body Resonance. Preprint deposited in: CERN zenodo repository, Leading physics depository for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds, etc., April 18.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 Omerbashich, M. (2019). Earth body resonance. Journal of Geophysics 63(1):15-29.
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 4,2 Omerbashich, M. (2019). Moon Body Resonance. Preprint deposited in: CERN zenodo repository, Leading physics depository for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds, etc., August 24.
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 5,2 Omerbashich, M. (2019). Moon body resonance. Journal of Geophysics 63(1):30-42.
- ↑ 6,00 6,01 6,02 6,03 6,04 6,05 6,06 6,07 6,08 6,09 6,10 6,11 Mensur Omerbashich (2006) Springtide-induced magnification of Earth mantle resonance causes tectonics and conceals universality of physics at all scales, p.18, arXiv.org, the world leading depository (Cornell University, New York USA) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ 7,00 7,01 7,02 7,03 7,04 7,05 7,06 7,07 7,08 7,09 7,10 Mensur Omerbashich (2008) Scale Invariability. arXiv.org, the world leading depository (Cornell University, New York USA) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 Wilfried Schröder, Hans-Jürgen Treder (1996) Einstein and geophysics: Valuable contributions warrant a second look, EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 78(43):479–485, 28 Oct. (PDF)
- ↑ 9,0 9,1 Niven, W.D. (Ed.) (2003) The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell, Vol.2, Dover phoenix editions, Phoenix Edition Series. ISBN 0486495612, 9780486495613.
- ↑ 10,0 10,1 Hyperresonance Unifying Theory and the resulting Law, Journal of the European Royal Society, Vol. 1, p. 5-11. SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System, www.adsabs.harvard.edu.
- ↑ 11,0 11,1 Omerbashich, M. (2012) Hyperresonance Unifying Theory and the resulting Law, Journal of the European Royal Society 1(1):5-11.
- ↑ 12,0 12,1 12,2 Omerbashich, M. (2014) "Big Bang downgraded to a bang in the first scientific proof of Multiverse, by Omerbashich (2006)", Journal of the European Royal Society (3)1:3-4.
- ↑ 13,0 13,1 13,2 13,3 Alan Gray (2012) Is Our Universe Tidally Engaged With Another Universe?, Newsblaze.
- ↑ 14,0 14,1 14,2 Alan Gray (2013) Did David Wineland and Serge Haroche Steal Idea For The Nobel Physics Prize?, Newsblaze.
- ↑ Kragh, Helge (2016) Varying Gravity: Dirac’s Legacy in Cosmology and Geophysics. Springer International Publishing, Birkhäuser. ISBN 9783319243795
- ↑ Christopher Bjerknes (2016) Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Racist. CreateSpace, 786 pp. ISBN 9781523458875
- ↑ Christopher Jon Bjerknes (2002) Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist. Xtx Inc., 408 pp. ISBN 9780971962989
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2023) Earth as a time crystal: macroscopic nature of a quantum-scale phenomenon from transformative moderation of geomagnetic polarity, topography, and climate by precession resonance due to many-body entrainment. arXiv.org, the world leading depository (Cornell University, New York USA) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2023) First total recovery of Sun global Alfven resonance: least-squares spectra of decade-scale dynamics of N-S-separated fast solar wind reveal solar-type stars act as revolving-field magnetoalternators. arXiv.org, the world leading depository (Cornell University, New York USA) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2023) The Sun as a revolving-field magnetic alternator with a wobbling-core rotator from real data. J. Geophys. 65(1):48-77
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2023) Sun resonant forcing of Mars, Moon, and Earth seismicity. arXiv.org, the world leading depository (Cornell University, New York USA) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ 22,0 22,1 The most important scientific discovery of 2019: seismic universe, J. Geophys. 63(1):43-44
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2022). Detection and mapping of Earth body resonances with continuous GPS. Journal of Geophysics 64(1):12-33.
- ↑ 24,0 24,1 24,2 Terry Quinn, Harold Parks, Clive Speake, Richard Davis (2013) Improved Determination of G Using Two Methods, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111:101102; Figure 3.
- ↑ 25,0 25,1 25,2 Omerbashich, M. (2015) Theoretical Value of Newtonian Constant G Confirmed by the International Bureau of Weights & Measures in Paris, France. Journal Of The European Royal Society 4(1):3-4.
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2015) Theoretical value of Newtonian constant G confirmed by the International Bureau of Weights & Measures in Paris, France, Harvard ADS, Cambridge MA, USA.
- ↑ 27,0 27,1 An experimental estimate of gravitational constant G coinciding with modeled value of G, Press Release 14.12.2004
- ↑ Bureau of Weights and Measures confirms Omerbashich theoretical value of Newtonian gravitational constant G, Press Release 17.12.2004
- ↑ Omerbashich: Public styling, www.linkedin.com
- ↑ VIAF International Authority Database record censored by US Library of Congress https://viaf.org/processed/LC%7Cnb2014019221
- ↑ BRF constitutes Kingdom, orders great powers to return usurped sovereignty to Dr. Mensur Omerbashich, Press Release, 27.09.2010, NewsWIRE.
- ↑ Palavestra, Vlajko (1981) Notes on historic tradition and toponomastics in upper Podrinje. Naše Starine XIV XV, p.136
- ↑ Bálint Hóman (1938) Geschichte des ungarischen Mittelalters I, Berlin, p. 391. "In 1158, Duke Ladislaus came to Bysanz, in whose Bosnian duchy Geza had already appointed Banus Boris as a regent some years ago." His Regency was on behalf of Duke of Bosnia prince Ladislaus who was a minor when, in 1137, he got Bosnia at age 6.
- ↑ Nada Klaić (1994) Srednjovjekovna Bosna: Politički položaj bosanskih vladara do Tvrtkove krunidbe (1377 g), Grafički Zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb, p.48-49. ISBN 9536112051, 9789536112050. PDF Klaić quotes Hóman as saying Banus Boris got Bosnia from Géza II to rule as Regent, and then identifies Ban Boris as prince Boris Kalamanos. Regency was precisely on behalf of then-minor prince Ladislaus, the Duke of Bosnia, but who after coming of age in 1149 never took the possession of the province, so Bosnia became Boris's permanently.
- ↑ Pinson, Mark [1993] (1996). The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Historic Development from Middle Ages to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia, Second, United States of America: President and Fellows of Harvard College ISBN 0-932885-12-8. Pristupljeno URLu 2014-08-01. “The Ottomans conquered Bosnia in 1463; ... though last fortress in Herzegovina was to fall in 1481, and in Bosnia Jajce under Hungarian garrison actually held until 1527”
- ↑ Živković, Pavo i Brandić, Marija (May 2007)"Usora i Soli u prva dva stoljeća turske prevlasti". Povijesni zbornik: godišnjak za kulturu i povijesno nasljeđe 1: 53; 58. Pristupljeno URL adresi dana 2014-08-01.
- ↑ Jeste li znali da je Bosna i Hercegovina kraljevina? Bljesak.info, 10.12.2012.
- ↑ Bosanski princ prijestolonasljednik smijenio visokog predstavnika. Source.ba.
- ↑ MARC Code List for Countries, Library of Congress. United States Congress. Washington, D.C.
- ↑ Joanne Nova (2010) The Skeptic's Handbook on Climate Warming, the 10th translation (Bosnian-Serbo-Croatian) - by Dr. Mensur Omerbashich.
- ↑ Berkeley Lab Ex-employees Directory.
- ↑ Mensur Omerbashich, Encyclopedia article: Marquis Who's Who, WorldCat database.
- ↑ Marquis Who's Who, Online Directory
- ↑ 44,0 44,1 44,2 44,3 44,4 44,5 Mensur Omerbashich (2012) Hyperresonance Unifying Theory and the resulting Law, Journal of the European Royal Society, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 5-11. The article annotated with notes on subsequent confirmations and strong indications of the Theory is deposited in: HAL Archives, Leading francophone depository (CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris France) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ 45,0 45,1 45,2 45,3 Mensur Omerbashich (2007) Magnification of mantle resonance as a cause of tectonics. Geodinamica Acta, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp.369-383. Taylor & Francis Publishing.
- ↑ 46,0 46,1 Mensur Omerbashich (2003) Earth-model Discrimination Method. PhD Dissertation, UNB. ProQuest, USA.
- ↑ 47,0 47,1 Omerbashich, Mensur (2004) Earth-model Discrimination Method, PhD Dissertation, UNB. Library and Archives Canada.
- ↑ Famous geophysicists.
- ↑ Famous geodesists.
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2007) Earth-model discrimination method, ProQuest Publishing Co., Ann Arbor, United States. ISBN: 9780494068793 PDF
- ↑ Barbara Lovitts (2005) How to Grade a Dissertation. Academe, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 18-23.
- ↑ Mensur Omerbashich (2002) Integrated INS/GPS Navigation from a Popular Perspective. NASA-STI Catalog #20020041935.
- ↑ Mensur Omerbashich (2002) Integrated INS/GPS navigation from a popular perspective. Journal of Air Transportation, Vol. 7, No. 1.
- ↑ Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes' by Zeeya Merali, Nature News, 24 January 2014, doi:10.1038/nature.2014.14583.
- ↑ Our Universe May Exist in a Multiverse, Cosmic Inflation Discovery Suggests, Miriam Kramer, 18.3.2014, www.space.com.
- ↑ WTF is … the multiverse? BICEP2's flex, inflation and ... quantum physics, Richard Chirgwin, 18.3.2014, The Register, United Kingdom. www.theregister.co.uk.
- ↑ Gravitational-wave finding causes 'spring cleaning' in physics, Nature 21.3.2014 | doi:10.1038/nature.2014.14910.
- ↑ Continued moral obligation, on Index Librorum Prohibitorum - The Index of Forbidden Literature, Wikipedia.
- ↑ B-mode News by Peter Woit, Department of Mathematics, Columbia University.
- ↑ Big Bang downgraded to a bang in the first scientific proof of Multiverse, by Omerbashich (2006), Press Room.
- ↑ Salvio, A. and Strumia, A. (2014) Agravity arXiv.
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2020). Matters Arising: Marchitelli et al. (2020) On the correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide. Sci Rep 10:11495. Preprint deposited in: CERN zenodo repository, Leading physics depository for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds, etc., July 15.
- ↑ Blockbuster Big Bang Theory Under Scrutiny Due To... Dust, by Roger Highfield, Newsweek 16.6.2014, updated 30.7.2014.
- ↑ Paris Bureau of Weights Confirms Omerbashich Theoretical Value of Gravitational Constant G, Google News, 23.12.2014.
- ↑ Principle of locality
- ↑ Mensur Omerbashich (2011) Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity. arXiv.org, the world leading depository (Cornell University, New York USA) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ Ioannis Pappos, Konstantinos Raikakos, Basiaka Eirini, Tsixli Anastasi, Moumtzidou Panagiota, N. Selikas, A.C. Boucouvalas (2011) A Planetary Alignment Solar System Simulator for Earthquake Research. Department of Telecommunications Science and Technology, University of Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece. MIRROR LINK 1, MIRROR LINK 2
- ↑ 68,0 68,1 Mensur Omerbashich (2006) Gauss-Vaníček spectral analysis of Sepkoski compendium: no new life cycles. Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 26-30. (Opposing to: R.A. Rohde & R.A. Muller (2005) Cycles in fossil diversity. Nature, Vol. 434, pp. 208-210.)
- ↑ Smith, A.B. (2007) Marine diversity through the Phanerozoic: problems & prospects. Journal of Geological Society, Vol. 164, No. 4, pp. 731-745. A Bicentennial Review.
- ↑ Bailer-Jones, C.A.L. (2009) The evidence for & against astronomical impacts on climate change & mass extinctions: a review. International Journal of Astrobiology, Vol. 8, pp. 213-219.
- ↑ Aberhan, M., Kiessling, W. (2012) Phanerozoic marine biodiversity: a fresh look at data, methods, patterns and processes. Earth and Life, pp.3-22. ISBN 978-90-481-3427-4
- ↑ 72,0 72,1 Baker, R.G.V., Flood, P.G. (2015) The Sun-Earth connect, SpringerPlus 4:285. See especially: Table 1
- ↑ Erlykin, A.D., Harper, D.A.T., Sloan, T., Wolfendale, A.W. (2017) Mass extinctions over the last 500 myr: An astronomical cause? Palaeontology 60(2):159–167
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2015) Milky Way does not cause periodic mass extinctions on Earth, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1163.7603. In: HAL Archives, Leading francophone depository (CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris France) for speedy dissemination of research results by credible scientists and establishing precedence claims for scientific discoveries which require no peer-review: equation derivations, astronomical phenomena observations, new scientific theories based on data or measurements, material finds such as of previously unknown organisms and fossils, etc.
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2019) On solar origin of alleged mass-extinction periods in records of natural data. Accepted for publishing in Paleontological Journal (Editor-in-Chief: Alexei Yu. Rozanov, Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
- ↑ Omerbashich, M. (2021) Non-marine tetrapod extinctions solve extinction periodicity mystery. Historical Biology 34 (29 March)
- ↑ Detailed dispute of 2012 Nobel Prize for physics.
- ↑ Dobbs, J. (2002) The Janus Faces of Genius: The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521524873, pp.376.
- ↑ Carotta, F. (2005) Jesus was Caesar: On the Julian Origin of Christianity. Published by Aspekt, ISBN 9059113969, pp.509.